Targeting Non-Canonical Activation of GLI1 by the SOX2-BRD4 Transcriptional Complex Improves the Efficacy of HEDGEHOG Pathway Inhibition in Melanoma

Researchers identified a novel SOX2-BRD4 transcriptional complex driving the expression of GLI1, the final effector of the Hedgehog/GLI (HH/GLI) pathway, providing a novel mechanism of non-canonical Smoothened-independent activation of HH/GLI signaling in melanoma.
Pietrobono, S., Gaudio, E., Gagliardi, S., Zitani, M., Carrassa, L., Migliorini, F., Petricci, E., Manetti, F., Makukhin, N., Bond, A. G., Paradise, B. D., Ciulli, A., Fernandez-Zapico, M. E., Bertoni, F., & Stecca, B. (2021). Targeting non-canonical activation of GLI1 by the SOX2-BRD4 transcriptional complex improves the efficacy of HEDGEHOG pathway inhibition in melanoma. Oncogene, 1–16. Cite
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