Small-Molecule Inhibition of Lats Kinases May Promote Yap-Dependent Proliferation in Postmitotic Mammalian Tissues

Using a high-throughput phenotypic screen, scientists identified a potent and non-toxic activator of Yap. In vitro kinase assays show that the compound acts as an ATP-competitive inhibitor of Lats kinases-the core enzymes in Hippo signaling.
[Nature Communications]
Kastan, N., Gnedeva, K., Alisch, T., Petelski, A. A., Huggins, D. J., Chiaravalli, J., Aharanov, A., Shakked, A., Tzahor, E., Nagiel, A., Segil, N., & Hudspeth, A. J. (2021). Small-molecule inhibition of Lats kinases may promote Yap-dependent proliferation in postmitotic mammalian tissues. Nature Communications, 12(1), 3100. Cite