CRISPR/Cas9-Mediated Knockout of PIM3 Suppresses Tumorigenesis and Cancer Cell Stemness in Human Hepatoblastoma Cells

Scientists use dCRISPR/Cas9 gene editing with dual gRNAs to introduce large inactivating deletions in the PIM3 gene and achieve stable PIM3 knockout in the human hepatoblastoma cell line, HuH6.
[Cancer Gene Therapy]
Marayati, R., Stafman, L. L., Williams, A. P., Bownes, L. V., Quinn, C. H., Markert, H. R., Easlick, J. L., Stewart, J. E., Crossman, D. K., Mroczek-Musulman, E., & Beierle, E. A. (2021). CRISPR/Cas9-mediated knockout of PIM3 suppresses tumorigenesis and cancer cell stemness in human hepatoblastoma cells. Cancer Gene Therapy, 1–15. Cite