Dual Role of WNT5A in Promoting Endothelial Differentiation of Glioma Stem Cells and Angiogenesis of Glioma Derived Endothelial Cells

Researchers reported that wingless-related integration site family member 5A (WNT5A) played significant roles in glioma stem cell endothelial differentiation and glioma-derived endothelial cells’ angiogenesis.
Chen, T., Zhang, F., Liu, J., Huang, Z., Zheng, Y., Deng, S., Liu, Y., Wang, J., & Sun, X. (2021). Dual role of WNT5A in promoting endothelial differentiation of glioma stem cells and angiogenesis of glioma derived endothelial cells. Oncogene, 1–14. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41388-021-01922-2 Cite