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Enhancer Hijacking Determines Extrachromosomal Circular MYCN Amplicon Architecture in Neuroblastoma

[Nature Communications] Scientists analyzed the MYCN amplicon structure using short-read and Nanopore sequencing and its chromatin landscape using ChIP-seq, ATAC-seq and Hi-C. This reveals two distinct classes of amplicons which explain the regulatory requirements for MYCN overexpression.

Therapeutic Targeting of KSP in Preclinical Models of High-Risk Neuroblastoma

[Science Translational Medicine] The authors used human tumor organoids representing multiple MYCN-amplified high-risk neuroblastomas to perform a high-throughput drug screen with approved or emerging oncology drugs.

MYCN Drives Chemoresistance in Small Cell Lung Cancer while USP7 Inhibition Can Restore Chemosensitivity

[Genes & Development] To study roles for MYCN amplification in small cell lung cancer (SCLC) progression and chemoresistance, we developed a genetically engineered mouse model of MYCN-overexpressing SCLC.

Aberrantly Expressed Bruton’s Tyrosine Kinase Preferentially Drives Metastatic and Stem Cell-Like Phenotypes in Neuroblastoma Cells

[Cellular Oncology] Investigators found that Bruton’s tyrosine kinase was highly expressed in primary neuroblastoma samples, preferentially in MYCN-amplified neuroblastoma cases, and was associated with a poor prognosis.
