Tag results:

epithelial cells

miR-29a, b and c Regulate SLC5A8 Expression in Intestinal Epithelial Cells

[American Journal of Physiology-Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology] Investigators demonstrated a novel finding in which miR-29a, b and c down-regulated SMCT-1 expression in colonic epithelial cells and may have partly explained the differential expression of these transporters along the length of the gastrointestinal tract.

Let-7b-5p in Vesicles Secreted by Human Airway Cells Reduces Biofilm Formation and Increases Antibiotic Sensitivity of P. aeruginosa

[Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America] The authors demonstrated that interdomain communication through small RNA–containing membrane vesicles was bidirectional and that miRNAs in extracellular vesicles secreted by human airway epithelial cells regulated protein expression, antibiotic sensitivity, and biofilm formation by P. aeruginosa.

The Estrogen Receptor/GATA3/FOXA1 Transcriptional Network: Lessons Learned from Breast Cancer

[Current Opinion in Structural Biology] Scientists discuss the emerging details on mutation in cancer that are now providing a wealth of new information on the roles played by estrogen receptor alpha, GATA3, and FOXA1 in regulating gene transcription and how their combined action contributes to a network shaping cell function in both physiologic and disease states.

E-Type Prostanoid Receptor 4 Drives Resolution of Intestinal Inflammation by Blocking Epithelial Necroptosis

[Nature Cell Biology] Prostaglandin E2 signaling via the E-type prostanoid receptor 4 (EP4) on intestinal epithelial cells repressed epithelial necroptosis and induced resolution of colitis. EP4 expression correlated with an improved IBD outcome and EP4 activation induced a transcriptional signature consistent with resolution of intestinal inflammation.

Polymyxins Induced Metabolic Perturbations in Human Lung Epithelial Cells

[Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy] Scientists investigated polymyxin-induced metabolomic perturbations in human lung epithelial A549 cells. A549 cells were treated with 0.5 or 1.0 mM of polymyxin B or colistin for 1, 4, and 24 hours.

Tempo-Spatial Regulation of the Wnt Pathway by FAM13A Modulates the Stemness of Alveolar Epithelial Progenitors

[Ebiomedicine] Florescence-activated flow cytometry analysis, immunofluorescence and organoid culture system were performed to identify the β-catenin/Wnt-activated cells in Fam13a+/+ or Fam13a−/− mice exposed to CS.
