Tag results:

histone acetylation

Induction of the Apoptosis, Degranulation and IL-13 Production of Human Basophils by Butyrate and Propionate via Suppression of Histone Deacetylation

[British Journal of Immunology] Investigators elucidated the function of short chain fatty acids on human basophils. Human basophils were purified from healthy donors by flow cytometric sorting.

C646 Inhibits G2/M Cell Cycle-Related Proteins and Potentiates Anti-Tumor Effects in Pancreatic Cancer

[Scientific Reports] Investigators found that the histone acetyltransferases inhibitor C646 augmented anti-tumor effects in vitro by inhibiting cell proliferation and cell cycle progression concomitantly with suppression of acetylated H3K9 and H3K27 expression.

Targeting Epigenetic and Post-Transcriptional Gene Regulation by PSF Impairs Hormone Therapy-Refractory Cancer Growth

[Cancer Research] Investigators conducted an in vitro chemical array screen and identified multiple small molecules that interacted with PSF. Several molecules inhibited RNA binding by PSF and decreased prostate cancer cell viability.

Histone Modifications Centric-Regulation in Osteogenic Differentiation

[Cell Death Discovery] Investigators improve the understanding of the role of histone modifications in osteogenic differentiation and describe its potential as a therapeutic target for osteogenic differentiation-related diseases.

Arginine Is an Epigenetic Regulator Targeting TEAD4 to Modulate OXPHOS in Prostate Cancer Cells

[Nature Communications] The authors showed in prostate cancer cells that arginine acted as an epigenetic regulator to modulate histone acetylation, leading to global upregulation of nuclear-encoded oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) genes.

P300/CBP Inhibition Sensitizes Mantle Cell Lymphoma to PI3Kδ Inhibitor Idelalisib

[Acta Pharmacologica Sinica] Scientists report that a p300/CBP inhibitor, A-485, could overcome resistance to idelalisib in mantle cell lymphoma cells in vitro and in vivo.
