ST3GAL1 is a Target of the SOX2-GLI1 Transcriptional Complex and Promotes Melanoma Metastasis through AXL

Investigators report a mechanism regulated by the oncogenic SOX2-GLI1 transcriptional complex driving melanoma invasion through the induction of the sialyltransferase ST3GAL1. Using in vitro and in vivo studies, they demonstrated that ST3GAL1 drove melanoma metastasis.
[Nature Communications]
Pietrobono, S., Anichini, G., Sala, C., Manetti, F., Almada, L. L., Pepe, S., Carr, R. M., Paradise, B. D., Sarkaria, J. N., Davila, J. I., Tofani, L., Battisti, I., Arrigoni, G., Ying, L., Zhang, C., Li, H., Meves, A., Fernandez-Zapico, M. E., & Stecca, B. (2020). ST3GAL1 is a target of the SOX2-GLI1 transcriptional complex and promotes melanoma metastasis through AXL. Nature Communications, 11(1), 5865. Cite
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