An In Vitro Differentiation Protocol for Human Embryonic Bipotential Gonad and Testis Cell Development

Researchers describe a fully defined feeder-free protocol to generate early testis-like cells with the ability to be cultured as an organoid, from human induced pluripotent stem cells.
[Stem Cell Reports]
Knarston, I. M., Pachernegg, S., Robevska, G., Ghobrial, I., Er, P. X., Georges, E., Takasato, M., Combes, A. N., Jørgensen, A., Little, M. H., Sinclair, A. H., & Ayers, K. L. (2020). An In Vitro Differentiation Protocol for Human Embryonic Bipotential Gonad and Testis Cell Development. Stem Cell Reports, 0(0). Cite
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