Overcoming Adaptive Resistance to KRAS and MEK Inhibitors by Co-Targeting mTORC1/2 Complexes in Pancreatic Cancer

Using several human and mouse models of PDACs, scientists demonstrated rapid acquisition of tumor resistance in response to targeting KRAS or MEK, associated with integrin-linked kinase-mediated increased phosphorylation of the mTORC2 component Rictor, and AKT.
[Cell Reports Medicine]
Brown, W. S., McDonald, P. C., Nemirovsky, O., Awrey, S., Chafe, S. C., Schaeffer, D. F., Li, J., Renouf, D. J., Stanger, B. Z., & Dedhar, S. (2020). Overcoming Adaptive Resistance to KRAS and MEK Inhibitors by Co-targeting mTORC1/2 Complexes in Pancreatic Cancer. Cell Reports Medicine, 1(8). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.xcrm.2020.100131 Cite
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