ALK Ligand ALKAL2 Potentiates MYCN-Driven Neuroblastoma in the Absence of ALK Mutation

Scientists tested whether anaplastic lymphoma kinase AL2 (ALKAL2) ligand could potentiate neuroblastoma progression in the absence of ALK mutation
[EMBO Journal]
Borenäs, M., Umapathy, G., Lai, W.-Y., Lind, D. E., Witek, B., Guan, J., Mendoza-Garcia, P., Masudi, T., Claeys, A., Chuang, T.-P., El Wakil, A., Arefin, B., Fransson, S., Koster, J., Johansson, M., Gaarder, J., Van den Eynden, J., Hallberg, B., & Palmer, R. H. (2021). ALK ligand ALKAL2 potentiates MYCN-driven neuroblastoma in the absence of ALK mutation. The EMBO Journal, n/a(n/a), e105784. Cite
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