Late p65 Nuclear Translocation in Glioblastoma Cells Indicates Non-Canonical TLR4 Signaling and Activation of DNA Repair Genes

Scientists analyzed Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) expression in different grades of astrocytoma, and observed increased expression in tumors, mainly in glioblastoma, compared to non-neoplastic brain tissue.
[Scientific Reports]
Moretti, I. F., Lerario, A. M., Trombetta-Lima, M., Sola, P. R., da Silva Soares, R., Oba-Shinjo, S. M., & Marie, S. K. N. (2021). Late p65 nuclear translocation in glioblastoma cells indicates non-canonical TLR4 signaling and activation of DNA repair genes. Scientific Reports, 11(1), 1333. Cite
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