Upregulation of LINC01426 Promotes the Progression and Stemness in Lung Adenocarcinoma by Enhancing the Level of SHH Protein to Activate the Hedgehog Pathway

Functionally, silencing of LINC01426 obviously suppressed the proliferation, migration, epithelial–mesenchymal transition, and stemness of lung adenocarcinoma cells.
[Cell Death & Disease]
Liu, X., Yin, Z., Xu, L., Liu, H., Jiang, L., Liu, S., & Sun, X. (2021). Upregulation of LINC01426 promotes the progression and stemness in lung adenocarcinoma by enhancing the level of SHH protein to activate the hedgehog pathway. Cell Death & Disease, 12(2), 1–13. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41419-021-03435-y Cite
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