USP19 Modulates Cancer Cell Migration and Invasion and Acts as a Novel Prognostic Marker in Patients with Early Breast Cancer

Researchers identified the deubiquitinase USP19 and demonstrated that its silencing reduces the migratory and invasive potential of highly invasive breast cancer cell lines.
Rossi, F. A., Enriqué Steinberg, J. H., Calvo Roitberg, E. H., Joshi, M. U., Pandey, A., Abba, M. C., Dufrusine, B., Buglioni, S., De Laurenzi, V., Sala, G., Lattanzio, R., Espinosa, J. M., & Rossi, M. (2021). USP19 modulates cancer cell migration and invasion and acts as a novel prognostic marker in patients with early breast cancer. Oncogenesis, 10(3), 1–15. Cite
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