SynNotch-CAR T Cells Overcome Challenges of Specificity, Heterogeneity, and Persistence in Treating Glioblastoma

developed synthetic notch (synNotch)–CAR T cells targeting solid tumor antigens and used them to treat mouse models of mesothelioma, ovarian cancer, and glioblastoma.
[Science Translational Medicine]
Choe, J. H., Watchmaker, P. B., Simic, M. S., Gilbert, R. D., Li, A. W., Krasnow, N. A., Downey, K. M., Yu, W., Carrera, D. A., Celli, A., Cho, J., Briones, J. D., Duecker, J. M., Goretsky, Y. E., Dannenfelser, R., Cardarelli, L., Troyanskaya, O., Sidhu, S. S., Roybal, K. T., … Lim, W. A. (2021). SynNotch-CAR T cells overcome challenges of specificity, heterogeneity, and persistence in treating glioblastoma. Science Translational Medicine, 13(591). Cite
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