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Targeting Non-Canonical Activation of GLI1 by the SOX2-BRD4 Transcriptional Complex Improves the Efficacy of HEDGEHOG Pathway Inhibition in Melanoma

Researchers identified a novel SOX2-BRD4 transcriptional complex driving the expression of GLI1, the final effector of the Hedgehog/GLI (HH/GLI) pathway, providing a novel mechanism of non-canonical Smoothened-independent activation of HH/GLI signaling in melanoma.
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Pietrobono, S., Gaudio, E., Gagliardi, S., Zitani, M., Carrassa, L., Migliorini, F., Petricci, E., Manetti, F., Makukhin, N., Bond, A. G., Paradise, B. D., Ciulli, A., Fernandez-Zapico, M. E., Bertoni, F., & Stecca, B. (2021). Targeting non-canonical activation of GLI1 by the SOX2-BRD4 transcriptional complex improves the efficacy of HEDGEHOG pathway inhibition in melanoma. Oncogene, 1–16. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41388-021-01783-9 Cite
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