CD82 Is a Marker to Isolate β Cell Precursors from Human iPS Cells and Plays a Role for the Maturation of β Cells

To isolate β cell precursors from late stage pancreatic endocrine progenitor (EP) cells derived from iPS cells, researchers have identified CD82, a member of the tetraspanin family. CD82+ cells at the EP stage differentiated into endocrine cells more efficiently than CD82− EP stage cells.
[Scientific Reports]
Watanabe, A., Tanaka, A., Koga, C., Matsumoto, M., Okazaki, Y., Kin, T., & Miyajima, A. (2021). CD82 is a marker to isolate β cell precursors from human iPS cells and plays a role for the maturation of β cells. Scientific Reports, 11(1), 9530. Cite