Generation and Characterization of iPSC-Derived Renal Proximal Tubule-Like Cells with Extended Stability

Investigators reported the differentiation and characterization of iPSC lines into proximal tubular-like cells.
[Scientific Reports]
Chandrasekaran, V., Carta, G., da Costa Pereira, D., Gupta, R., Murphy, C., Feifel, E., Kern, G., Lechner, J., Cavallo, A. L., Gupta, S., Caiment, F., Kleinjans, J. C. S., Gstraunthaler, G., Jennings, P., & Wilmes, A. (2021). Generation and characterization of iPSC-derived renal proximal tubule-like cells with extended stability. Scientific Reports, 11(1), 11575. Cite
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