Targeting Monoamine Oxidase A-Regulated Tumor-Associated Macrophage Polarization for Cancer Immunotherapy

Scientists observed monoamine oxidase A (MAO-A) induction in mouse and human tumor-associated macrophages (tAMs). MAO-A-deficient mice exhibit decreased TAM immunosuppressive functions corresponding with enhanced antitumor immunity.
[Nature Communications]
Wang, Y.-C., Wang, X., Yu, J., Ma, F., Li, Z., Zhou, Y., Zeng, S., Ma, X., Li, Y.-R., Neal, A., Huang, J., To, A., Clarke, N., Memarzadeh, S., Pellegrini, M., & Yang, L. (2021). Targeting monoamine oxidase A-regulated tumor-associated macrophage polarization for cancer immunotherapy. Nature Communications, 12(1), 3530. Cite
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