BRN2 Is a Non-canonical Melanoma Tumor-Suppressor

In a BrafV600E PtenF/+ context, researchers showed that BRN2 haplo-insufficiency promoted melanoma initiation and metastasis.
[Nature Communications]
Hamm, M., Sohier, P., Petit, V., Raymond, J. H., Delmas, V., Le Coz, M., Gesbert, F., Kenny, C., Aktary, Z., Pouteaux, M., Rambow, F., Sarasin, A., Charoenchon, N., Bellacosa, A., Sanchez-del-Campo, L., Mosteo, L., Lauss, M., Meijer, D., Steingrimsson, E., … Larue, L. (2021). BRN2 is a non-canonical melanoma tumor-suppressor. Nature Communications, 12(1), 3707. Cite
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