P-Selectin Axis Plays a Key Role in Microglia Immunophenotype and Glioblastoma Progression

Scientists showed that P-selectin mediated microglia-enhanced glioblastoma proliferation and invasion by altering microglia/macrophages activation state.
[Nature Communications]
Yeini, E., Ofek, P., Pozzi, S., Albeck, N., Ben-Shushan, D., Tiram, G., Golan, S., Kleiner, R., Sheinin, R., Israeli Dangoor, S., Reich-Zeliger, S., Grossman, R., Ram, Z., Brem, H., Hyde, T. M., Magod, P., Friedmann-Morvinski, D., Madi, A., & Satchi-Fainaro, R. (2021). P-selectin axis plays a key role in microglia immunophenotype and glioblastoma progression. Nature Communications, 12(1), 1912. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-021-22186-0 Cite
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