Dickkopf-2 Regulates the Stem Cell Marker LGR5 in Colorectal Cancer via HNF4α1

Scientists report a Wnt ligand, Dickkopf-2 (DKK2) was essential for developing colorectal cancer stemness. Genetic depletion of Dkk2 in intestinal epithelial or stem cells reduced tumorigenesis as well as expression of the stem cell marker genes including Lgr5 in a model of colitis-associated cancer.
Shin, J. H., Jeong, J., Choi, J., Lim, J., Dinesh, R. K., Braverman, J., Hong, J. Y., Maher, S. E., Vesely, M. C. A., Kim, W., Koo, J.-H., Tang, W., Wu, D., Blackburn, H. N., Xicola, R. M., Llor, X., Yilmaz, O., Choi, J.-M., & Bothwell, A. L. M. (2021). Dickkopf-2 regulates the stem cell marker LGR5 in colorectal cancer via HNF4α1. IScience, 0(0). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.isci.2021.102411 Cite
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