Notch4 Signaling Limits Regulatory T-Cell-Mediated Tissue Repair and Promotes Severe Lung Inflammation in Viral Infections

Deletion of Notch4 in Treg cells or therapy with anti-Notch4 antibodies in conventional and humanized mice normalized the dysregulated innate immunity and rescued disease morbidity and mortality induced by a synthetic analog of viral RNA or by influenza H1N1 virus.
Harb, H., Benamar, M., Lai, P. S., Contini, P., Griffith, J. W., Crestani, E., Schmitz-Abe, K., Chen, Q., Fong, J., Marri, L., Filaci, G., Zotto, G. D., Pishesha, N., Kolifrath, S., Broggi, A., Ghosh, S., Gelmez, M. Y., Oktelik, F. B., Cetin, E. A., … Chatila, T. A. (2021). Notch4 signaling limits regulatory T-cell-mediated tissue repair and promotes severe lung inflammation in viral infections. Immunity, 0(0). Cite
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