Peripheral and Lung Resident Memory T Cell Responses against SARS-CoV-2

Reesarchers highlighted a balanced anti-inflammatory antiviral response associated with a better outcome and persisting TRM cells as important for future protection against SARS-CoV-2 infection.
[Nature Communications]
Grau-Expósito, J., Sánchez-Gaona, N., Massana, N., Suppi, M., Astorga-Gamaza, A., Perea, D., Rosado, J., Falcó, A., Kirkegaard, C., Torrella, A., Planas, B., Navarro, J., Suanzes, P., Álvarez-Sierra, D., Ayora, A., Sansano, I., Esperalba, J., Andrés, C., Antón, A., … Genescà, M. (2021). Peripheral and lung resident memory T cell responses against SARS-CoV-2. Nature Communications, 12(1), 3010. Cite
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