Transforming Growth Factor-β-Regulated mTOR Activity Preserves Cellular Metabolism to Maintain Long-Term T Cell Responses in Chronic Infection

Scientists demonstrated that precursors of exhausted T cells sustained mitochondrial fitness, including high spare respiratory capacity, while exhausted effector T cells deteriorated metabolically over time.
Gabriel, S. S., Tsui, C., Chisanga, D., Weber, F., Llano-León, M., Gubser, P. M., Bartholin, L., Souza-Fonseca-Guimaraes, F., Huntington, N. D., Shi, W., Utzschneider, D. T., & Kallies, A. (2021). Transforming growth factor-β-regulated mTOR activity preserves cellular metabolism to maintain long-term T cell responses in chronic infection. Immunity, 0(0). Cite
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