All Articles by Author:

Jamie Kang

Single-cell Transcriptomics Reveals Intratumor Heterogeneity and the Potential Roles of Cancer Stem Cells and myCAFs in Colorectal Cancer Liver Metastasis and Recurrence

[Cancer Letters] Investigators identified a cancer cell subpopulation termed stem/transient amplifying-like cells, which expressed genes associated with stem cell-like characteristics and metastatic potential.

Insights Into the Role of Bmi-1 Deregulation in Promoting Stemness and Therapy Resistance in Glioblastoma: A Narrative Review

Bmi-1 regulates self-renewal, proliferation, and differentiation of GBM cells, promoting stemness and therapy resistance. The authors discuss the importance of targeting Bmi-1 which could be a promising therapeutic target for glioblastoma...

Eterna Therapeutics Announces Positive Preclinical Study Results on Lead Product ERNA-101 in Ovarian Cancer

Eterna Therapeutics announced positive results from a preclinical study on the company’s lead cell therapy product, ERNA-101, which is designed to activate and regulate the immune system's response to recognize and...

LncRNA FGD5-AS1 Facilitates Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cell Stemness by Enhancing PKD1 mRNA Stability through Binding With MSI2

Both musashi 2 (MSI2) and protein kinase D1 (PKD1) ameliorated short hairpin-long noncoding RNA FGD5 antisense RNA 1's inhibition of hepatocellular carcinoma cell viability, proliferation, and stemness. [Molecular Carcinogenesis] Abstract

Targeting the ERK1/2 and p38 MAPK Pathways Attenuates Golgi Tethering Factor Golgin-97 Depletion-Induced Cancer Progression in Breast Cancer

Scientists demonstrated a novel regulatory role of golgin-97 in ERK/MAPK signaling and the tumor microenvironment, possibly providing new insights for anti-breast cancer drug development.

Co-Targeting of Metabolism using Dietary and Pharmacologic Approaches Reduces Breast Cancer Metastatic Burden

Building on previous research that identified metastatic-niche-specific metabolic vulnerabilities, researchers investigated how a ketogenic diet enhances estrogen receptor-positive liver metastatic breast cancer’s response to Fulvestrant treatment.


IL-33-Activated ILC2s Induce Tertiary Lymphoid Structures in Pancreatic Cancer

[Nature] In mice, IL-33 deficiency severely attenuated inflammation- and lymphotoxin (LT)–LTβ receptor-activation-induced tertiary lymphoid structures in models of colitis and PDAC.

Elucidating the Role of Pyrimidine Metabolism in Prostate Cancer and Its Therapeutic Implications

[Scientific Reports] Through transcriptomic and single-cell RNA sequencing analyses, researchers explored metabolic pathway enrichment, immune infiltration patterns, and differential gene expression in prostate cancer samples.

Ontario First in Canada to Administer New Publicly Funded Prostate Cancer Care Treatment

[Ontario Newsroom] The Ontario government is connecting more people to care by being the first Canadian jurisdiction to publicly fund and administer PLUVICTO™ a new treatment for advanced-stage prostate cancer, which is now covered under the province’s publicly funded drug program.