Unbiased Proteomic Profiling Uncovers a Targetable GNAS/PKA/PP2A Axis in Small Cell Lung Cancer Stem Cells

Scientists identified protein kinase A (PKA) as an active kinase in small cell lung cancer (SCLC). Inhibition of PKA activity genetically, or pharmacologically by activation of the PP2A phosphatase, suppressed SCLC expansion in culture and in vivo.
[Cancer Cell]
Coles, G. L., Cristea, S., Webber, J. T., Levin, R. S., Moss, S. M., He, A., Sangodkar, J., Hwang, Y. C., Arand, J., Drainas, A. P., Mooney, N. A., Demeter, J., Spradlin, J. N., Mauch, B., Le, V., Shue, Y. T., Ko, J. H., Lee, M. C., Kong, C., … Sage, J. (2020). Unbiased Proteomic Profiling Uncovers a Targetable GNAS/PKA/PP2A Axis in Small Cell Lung Cancer Stem Cells. Cancer Cell, 0(0). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ccell.2020.05.003 Cite
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