SYK Inhibition Targets Acute Myeloid Leukemia Stem Cells by Blocking their Oxidative Metabolism

Investigators addressed the consequences of spleen tyrosine kinase (SYK) inhibition to leukemia stem-cell function and assessed SYK-associated pathways in acute myeloid leukemia cell biology.
[Cell Death & Disease]
Polak, A., Bialopiotrowicz, E., Krzymieniewska, B., Wozniak, J., Stojak, M., Cybulska, M., Kaniuga, E., Mikula, M., Jablonska, E., Gorniak, P., Noyszewska-Kania, M., Szydlowski, M., Piechna, K., Piwocka, K., Bugajski, L., Lech-Maranda, E., Barankiewicz, J., Kolkowska-Lesniak, A., Patkowska, E., … Juszczynski, P. (2020). SYK inhibition targets acute myeloid leukemia stem cells by blocking their oxidative metabolism. Cell Death & Disease, 11(11), 1–15. Cite
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