Patient-Derived Glial Enriched Progenitors Repair Functional Deficits Due to White Matter Stroke and Vascular Dementia in Rodents

The authors characterized the cellular properties and in vivo tissue repair activity of glial enriched progenitor cells differentiated from human-induced pluripotent stem cells.
[Science Translational Medicine]
Llorente, I. L., Xie, Y., Mazzitelli, J. A., Hatanaka, E. A., Cinkornpumin, J., Miller, D. R., Lin, Y., Lowry, W. E., & Carmichael, S. T. (2021). Patient-derived glial enriched progenitors repair functional deficits due to white matter stroke and vascular dementia in rodents. Science Translational Medicine, 13(590). Cite
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