Vagus Nerve Stimulation Even after Injury Ameliorates Cisplatin-Induced Nephropathy via Reducing Macrophage Infiltration

To explore the role of the spleen and splenic macrophages, key players in the cholinergic anti-inflammatory pathway, splenectomy, and adoptive transfer of macrophages treated with the selective α7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor agonist GTS-21 were conducted.
[Scientific Reports]
Uni, R., Inoue, T., Nakamura, Y., Fukaya, D., Hasegawa, S., Wu, C.-H., … Inagi, R. (2020). Vagus nerve stimulation even after injury ameliorates cisplatin-induced nephropathy via reducing macrophage infiltration. Scientific Reports, 10(1), 9472. Cite
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