Pharmacologic Modulation of RNA Splicing Enhances Anti-Tumor Immunity

Researchers demonstrated that pharmacologic modulation of splicing via specific drug classes generated bona fide neoantigens and elicited anti-tumor immunity, augmenting checkpoint immunotherapy.
Huang, Y.-S., Tseng, W.-Y., Clanchy, F. I. L., Topping, L. M., Ogbechi, J., McNamee, K., Perocheau, D., Chiang, N.-Y., Ericsson, P., Sundstedt, A., Xue, Z.-T., Salford, L. G., Sjögren, H.-O., Stone, T. W., Lin, H.-H., Luo, S.-F., & Williams, R. O. (2021). Pharmacological modulation of T cell immunity results in long-term remission of autoimmune arthritis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118(19). Cite
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