Tag results:

pulmonary cells

Integrating Longitudinal Clinical Laboratory Tests with Targeted Proteomic and Transcriptomic Analyses Reveal the Landscape of Host Responses in COVID-19

[Cell Discovery] Comparison of the transcriptomes of the bronchoalveolar microenvironment and peripheral blood indicates alveolar macrophages, alveolar epithelial cells, and monocytes in lungs as the potential main sources of elevated cytokines mediating systemic immune responses and organ damages.

Antitumor Effect of Melaleuca alternifolia Essential Oil and Its Main Component Terpinen-4-Ol in Combination with Target Therapy in Melanoma Models

[Cell Death Discovery] When combined with dabrafenib and/or trametinib, Melaleuca alternifolia synergistically reduced the viability of melanoma cells by activating apoptosis.

Synergistic Cycles of Protease Activity and Inflammation via PPARγ Degradation in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

[Experimental and Molecular Medicine] Scientists evaluated the effect of neutrophil elastase on lipopolysaccharide - induced interleukin 8 production and determined the molecular mechanism in human bronchial epithelial cells.

Suppression of m6A mRNA Modification by DNA Hypermethylated ALKBH5 Aggravates the Oncological Behavior of KRAS Mutation/LKB1 Loss Lung Cancer

[Cell Death & Disease] ALKBH5 gain- or loss-of function could effectively reverse LKB1 regulated cell proliferation, colony formation, and migration of KRAS-mutated lung cancer cells.

KEAP1 Deficiency Drives Glucose Dependency and Sensitizes Lung Cancer Cells and Tumors to GLUT Inhibition

[iScience] Investigators showed that KEAP1 deficiency promotes glucose dependency in lung cancer cells, and KEAP1-mutant/deficient lung cancer cells were more vulnerable to glucose deprivation than their WT counterparts.

Single-Cell Lipidomics with High Structural Specificity by Mass Spectrometry

[Nature Communications] Scientists developed a strategy that enabled single-cell lipidomic analysis with high structural specificity and classified four subtypes of human breast cancer cells.
