Suppression of m6A mRNA Modification by DNA Hypermethylated ALKBH5 Aggravates the Oncological Behavior of KRAS Mutation/LKB1 Loss Lung Cancer

ALKBH5 gain- or loss-of function could effectively reverse LKB1 regulated cell proliferation, colony formation, and migration of KRAS-mutated lung cancer cells.
[Cell Death & Disease]
Zhang, D., Ning, J., Okon, I., Zheng, X., Satyanarayana, G., Song, P., Xu, S., & Zou, M.-H. (2021). Suppression of m6A mRNA modification by DNA hypermethylated ALKBH5 aggravates the oncological behavior of KRAS mutation/LKB1 loss lung cancer. Cell Death & Disease, 12(6), 1–14. Cite
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