Adipose Derived Stem Cells Protect Motor Neurons and Reduce Glial Activation in both In Vitro and In Vivo Models of ALS

Researchers tested the in vitro neuroprotective potential of mouse adipose derived stem cells in astrocyte/motor neuron co-cultures where amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) astrocytes show neurotoxicity.
[Molecular Therapy-Methods & Clinical Development]
Ciervo, Y., Gatto, N., Allen, C., Grierson, A., Ferraiuolo, L., Mead, R. J., & Shaw, P. J. (2021). Adipose derived stem cells protect motor neurons and reduce glial activation in both in vitro and in vivo models of ALS. Molecular Therapy - Methods & Clinical Development, 0(0). Cite
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