Staphylococcus cohnii Is a Potentially Biotherapeutic Skin Commensal Alleviating Skin Inflammation

Scientists found that Tmem79−/− mice spontaneously develop interleukin-17-producing T-cell-driven skin inflammation. Comparative skin microbiome analysis revealed that the disease activity index is negatively associated with S. cohnii.
[Cell Reports]
Ito, Y., Sasaki, T., Li, Y., Tanoue, T., Sugiura, Y., Skelly, A. N., Suda, W., Kawashima, Y., Okahashi, N., Watanabe, E., Horikawa, H., Shiohama, A., Kurokawa, R., Kawakami, E., Iseki, H., Kawasaki, H., Iwakura, Y., Shiota, A., Yu, L., … Honda, K. (2021). Staphylococcus cohnii is a potentially biotherapeutic skin commensal alleviating skin inflammation. Cell Reports, 35(4). Cite