Skin Protein-Derived Peptide-Conjugated Vesicular Nanocargos for Selected Skin Cell Targeting and Consequent Activation

Investigators selectively conjugated several skin protein-derived cell-targeting peptides, including KTTKS, NAP-amide, and Lam332, to amphiphilic polymer-reinforced lipid nanovesicles to specifically target fibroblasts, melanocytes, and keratinocytes, respectively, through effective association with the corresponding cell membrane receptors.
[Journal of Materials Chemistry B]
Cho, J. H., Kang, J. Y., Kim, S., Baek, H. R., Kim, J., Jang, K.-S., & Kim, J. W. (2021). Skin protein-derived peptide-conjugated vesicular nanocargos for selected skin cell targeting and consequent activation. Journal of Materials Chemistry B. Cite