AMPK Activates Parkin Independent Autophagy and Improves Post Sepsis Immune Defense against Secondary Bacterial Lung Infections

Scientists showed acquired Parkin and AMPK deficiency in leukocytes of post-sepsis immunosuppression from human subjects and mice.
[Scientific Reports]
Bone, N. B., Becker, E. J., Husain, M., Jiang, S., Zmijewska, A. A., Park, D.-W., Chacko, B., Darley-Usmar, V., Grégoire, M., Tadie, J.-M., Thannickal, V. J., & Zmijewski, J. W. (2021). AMPK activates Parkin independent autophagy and improves post sepsis immune defense against secondary bacterial lung infections. Scientific Reports, 11(1), 12387. Cite
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