Medulloblastoma Uses GABA Transaminase to Survive in the Cerebrospinal Fluid Microenvironment and Promote Leptomeningeal Dissemination

Scientists found primary medulloblastoma tumors globally displayed decreased expression of GABA transaminase, the protein responsible for GABA metabolism, compared with normal cerebellum.
[Cell Reports]
Martirosian, V., Deshpande, K., Zhou, H., Shen, K., Smith, K., Northcott, P., Lin, M., Stepanosyan, V., Das, D., Remsik, J., Isakov, D., Boire, A., Feyter, H. D., Hurth, K., Li, S., Wiemels, J., Nakamura, B., Shao, L., Danilov, C., … Neman, J. (2021). Medulloblastoma uses GABA transaminase to survive in the cerebrospinal fluid microenvironment and promote leptomeningeal dissemination. Cell Reports, 35(13). Cite