Glucose Limitation Activates AMPK Coupled SENP1-Sirt3 Signaling in Mitochondria for T Cell Memory Development

The authors provided evidence that the SUMO protease SENP1 promoted T cell memory development via Sirt3 deSUMOylation. SENP1-Sirt3 signaling augmented the deacetylase activity of Sirt3, promoting both OXPHOS and mitochondrial fusion.
[Nature Communications]
He, J., Shangguan, X., Zhou, W., Cao, Y., Zheng, Q., Tu, J., Hu, G., Liang, Z., Jiang, C., Deng, L., Wang, S., Yang, W., Zuo, Y., Ma, J., Cai, R., Chen, Y., Fan, Q., Dong, B., Xue, W., … Cheng, J. (2021). Glucose limitation activates AMPK coupled SENP1-Sirt3 signalling in mitochondria for T cell memory development. Nature Communications, 12(1), 4371. Cite
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