Salmonella enterica Serovar Typhimurium SPI-1 and SPI-2 Shape the Global Transcriptional Landscape in a Human Intestinal Organoid Model System

Scientists used a human intestinal organoid model to define host transcriptional responses to S. Typhimurium infection, also determining host pathways dependent on Salmonella pathogenicity island- 1- and -2-encoded type 3 secretion systems
Lawrence, A.-L. E., Abuaita, B. H., Berger, R. P., Hill, D. R., Huang, S., Yadagiri, V. K., Bons, B., Fields, C., Wobus, C. E., Spence, J. R., Young, V. B., & O’Riordan, M. X. (2021). Salmonella enterica Serovar Typhimurium SPI-1 and SPI-2 Shape the Global Transcriptional Landscape in a Human Intestinal Organoid Model System. MBio, 12(3). Cite
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