Single-Cell RNA Sequencing Shows the Immunosuppressive Landscape and Tumor Heterogeneity of HBV-Associated Hepatocellular Carcinoma

Scientists used single-cell RNA sequencing analysis to delineate the immune landscape and tumor heterogeneity in a cohort of patients with HBV-associated human hepatocellular carcinoma.
[Nature Communications]
Ho, D. W.-H., Tsui, Y.-M., Chan, L.-K., Sze, K. M.-F., Zhang, X., Cheu, J. W.-S., Chiu, Y.-T., Lee, J. M.-F., Chan, A. C.-Y., Cheung, E. T.-Y., Yau, D. T.-W., Chia, N.-H., Lo, I. L.-O., Sham, P.-C., Cheung, T.-T., Wong, C. C.-L., & Ng, I. O.-L. (2021). Single-cell RNA sequencing shows the immunosuppressive landscape and tumor heterogeneity of HBV-associated hepatocellular carcinoma. Nature Communications, 12(1), 3684. Cite
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