Mechanistic and Therapeutic Distinctions between Cardiosphere-Derived Cell and Mesenchymal Stem Cell Extracellular Vesicle Non-Coding RNA

Investigators compared extracellular vesicles derived from multiple human mesenchymal stem cell and cardiosphere-derived cell donors using diverse in vitro and in vivo assays.
[Scientific Reports]
Walravens, A.-S., Smolgovsky, S., Li, L., Kelly, L., Antes, T., Peck, K., Quon, T., Ibrahim, A., Marbán, E., Berman, B., Marbán, L., R.-Borlado, L., & de Couto, G. (2021). Mechanistic and therapeutic distinctions between cardiosphere-derived cell and mesenchymal stem cell extracellular vesicle non-coding RNA. Scientific Reports, 11(1), 8666. Cite
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