Eradication of Specific Donor-Dependent Variations of Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Immunomodulation to Enhance Therapeutic Values

Researchers analyzed human umbilical-cord-derived MSCs from 32 donors and revealed donor-dependent variations in two non-correlated properties; cell proliferation, and immune modulatory functions in vitro and in vivo, which might explain inconsistent clinical efficacies of MSCs.
[Cell Death & Disease]
Zhang, C., Zhou, L., Wang, Z., Gao, W., Chen, W., Zhang, H., Jing, B., Zhu, X., Chen, L., Zheng, C., Shi, K., Wu, L., Cheng, L., Zhang, K., & Sun, Y. E. (2021). Eradication of specific donor-dependent variations of mesenchymal stem cells in immunomodulation to enhance therapeutic values. Cell Death & Disease, 12(4), 1–11. Cite
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