Tag results:

squamous cell carcinoma

DYRK1A Is Required for Maintenance of Cancer Stemness, Contributing to Tumorigenic Potential in Oral/Oropharyngeal Squamous Cell Carcinoma

[Experimental Cell Research] The authors reported a novel role of DYRK1A in maintaining tumor growth and stemness of oral/oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma cells.

Differentiation-Related Zinc Finger Protein 750 Suppresses Cell Growth in Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma

[Oncology Letters] The authors demonstrated that chemical manipulation of esophageal keratinocyte differentiation in mouse normal esophageal epithelial organoids implicated the involvement of the mouse homologue of ZNF750, Zfp750, in keratinocyte differentiation in premalignant cells.

PLK1/Vimentin Signaling Facilitates Immune Escape by Recruiting Smad2/3 to PD-L1 Promoter in Metastatic Lung Adenocarcinoma

[Cell Death & Differentiation] Researchers showed that vimentin phosphorylated by PLK1, triggered TGF-β-signaling, which consequently led to metastasis and PD-L1 expression for immune suppression in lung adenocarcinoma.

Avasopasem Manganese Synergizes with Hypofractionated Radiation to Ablate Tumors through the Generation of Hydrogen Peroxide

[Science Translational Medicine] In vitro non-small lung cancer and mammary adenocarcinoma models showed that auranofin-induced inhibition of glutathione- and thioredoxin-dependent hydrogen peroxide metabolism selectively enhanced Avasopasem manganese-induced killing of cancer cells compared to normal cells.

Comprehensive Analysis of DNA Damage Repair in Squamous Cell Carcinoma Subtypes

[Life Sciences] Investigators characterized the molecular profile of squamous cell carcinoma by developing a classification system based on DNA damage repair gene expression profiles.

CD276 Expression Enables Squamous Cell Carcinoma Stem Cells to Evade Immune Surveillance

[Cell Stem Cell] The authors showed that cancer stem cells upregulated the immune checkpoint molecule CD276 to evade host immune responses.
