Interleukin-10 and Small Molecule SHIP1 Allosteric Regulators Trigger Anti-Inflammatory Effects Through SHIP1/STAT3 Complexes

Scientists report that IL10, but not IL6 signaling, induced formation of a complex between STAT3 and the inositol polyphosphate-5-phosphatase SHIP1 in macrophages.
Chamberlain, T. C., Cheung, S. T., Yoon, J. S. J., Ming-Lum, A., Gardill, B. R., Shakibakho, S., Dzananovic, E., Ban, F., Samiea, A., Jawanda, K., Priatel, J., Krystal, G., Ong, C. J., Cherkasov, A., Andersen, R. J., McKenna, S. A., Petegem, F. V., & Mui, A. L.-F. (2020). Interleukin-10 and Small Molecule SHIP1 Allosteric Regulators Trigger Anti-Inflammatory Effects Through SHIP1/STAT3 Complexes. IScience, 0(0). Cite
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