Oncogene-Induced Maladaptive Activation of Trained Immunity in the Pathogenesis and Treatment of Erdheim-Chester Disease

Researchers reveal oncogene-induced, maladaptive induction of trained immunity in the pathogenesis of a human inflammatory myeloid neoplasm, Erdheim-Chester disease, characterized by the BRAFV600E oncogenic mutation in monocyte/macrophages and excess cytokine production.
Biavasco, R., Molteni, R., Stefanoni, D., Nemkov, T., Netea, M. G., Domínguez-Andrés, J., Arts, R. J., Merelli, I., Mazza, D., Zambrano, S., Panigada, M., Cantoni, E., Tengesdal, I., Maksud, P., Piras, F., De Luca, G., Cassina, L., Distefano, G., Loffreda, A., … Cavalli, G. (2021). Oncogene-induced maladaptive activation of trained immunity in the pathogenesis and treatment of Erdheim-Chester disease. Blood, blood.2020009594. https://doi.org/10.1182/blood.2020009594 Cite