Structural Specificities of Cell Surface β-Glucan Polysaccharides Determine Commensal Yeast Mediated Immuno-Modulatory Activities

MGCP, in contrast to previously identified microbial cell surface polysaccharides, through a Dectin1-Cox2 signaling axis in dendritic cells, facilitates regulatory T cell induction from naïve T cells.
[Nature Communications]
Lee, C., Verma, R., Byun, S., Jeun, E.-J., Kim, G.-C., Lee, S., Kang, H.-J., Kim, C. J., Sharma, G., Lahiri, A., Paul, S., Kim, K. S., Hwang, D. S., Iwakura, Y., Speciale, I., Molinaro, A., De Castro, C., Rudra, D., & Im, S.-H. (2021). Structural specificities of cell surface β-glucan polysaccharides determine commensal yeast mediated immuno-modulatory activities. Nature Communications, 12(1), 3611. Cite
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