PolyTLR7/8a-Conjugated, Antigen-Trapping Gold Nanorods Elicit Anticancer Immunity against Abscopal Tumors by Photothermal Therapy-Induced In Situ Vaccination

Scientists demonstrated that PTT-induced in situ vaccination cancer therapy can elicit potent antitumor immunity against disseminated and metastatic tumors.
Liu, X., Su, Q., Song, H., Shi, X., Zhang, Y., Zhang, C., Huang, P., Dong, A., Kong, D., & Wang, W. (2021). PolyTLR7/8a-conjugated, antigen-trapping gold nanorods elicit anticancer immunity against abscopal tumors by photothermal therapy-induced in situ vaccination. Biomaterials, 275, 120921. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biomaterials.2021.120921 Cite
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