Silencing Myeloid Netrin-1 Induces Inflammation Resolution and Plaque Regression

The authors tested whether silencing netrin-1 in advanced atherosclerosis could resolve arterial inflammation and regress plaques.
[Circulation Research]
Schlegel, M. P., Sharma, M., Brown, E. J., Newman, A. A., Cyr, Y., Afonso, M. S., Corr, E. M., Koelwyn, G. J., van Solingen, C., Guzman, J., Farhat, R., Nikain, C. A., Shanley, L. C., Peled, D., Schmidt, A. M., Fisher, E. A., & Moore, K. J. (n.d.). Silencing Myeloid Netrin-1 Induces Inflammation Resolution and Plaque Regression. Circulation Research, 0(0). Cite