Atlas of Breast Cancer Infiltrated B-Lymphocytes Revealed by Paired Single-Cell RNA-Sequencing and Antigen Receptor Profiling

Researchers combined single-cell RNA-sequencing and antigen receptor lineage analysis to characterize a large number of triple-negative breast cancer infiltrated immune cells and report a comprehensive atlas of tumor-infiltrated B-lymphocytes.
[Nature Communications]
Hu, Q., Hong, Y., Qi, P., Lu, G., Mai, X., Xu, S., He, X., Guo, Y., Gao, L., Jing, Z., Wang, J., Cai, T., & Zhang, Y. (2021). Atlas of breast cancer infiltrated B-lymphocytes revealed by paired single-cell RNA-sequencing and antigen receptor profiling. Nature Communications, 12(1), 2186. Cite
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